Linda Kazalski

Linda Sager Kazalski, (sometimes called Bryghteyez) was born and raised in the Catskill Mountains of rural upstate New York. She’s been a tree-hugging dirt-worshipper, a political activist and general troublemaker since her teens, at least. Even as a child, the woods and streams of her native mountains were her favorite sanctuary. A First Class Girl Scout (the highest rank then available) raised by an Eagle Scout, she learned “Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints.” and “Be Prepared” very young. Pagan since the late 1970s, she has been involved in the Hampton Roads, Virginia pagan community for over 30 years. She founded Three Branch River Grove, ADF in 2015. She has been a member of Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF) since 2014 and was elected Senior Druid of Three Branch River Grove, ADF at Midsummer 2016 with her tenure ending at Lughnassadh 2021. She has participated on the organizing committee for Hampton Roads, Virginia Interfaith LGBTQIA+ Pride Celebrations since 2018. She was elected Regional Druid of the SouthEast Region of the United States in 2020 and was appointed the Deputy Regional Druid in 2022. She is the Coordinator of the Polyamory SIG and a member of the Grove Coordination Committee. A researcher and problem-solver by nature and inclination, she is now or has been a student of philosophy, comparative religions, martial arts, history, herbalism, needlecrafts, literature, genealogy and other subjects over the years. Good at working out solutions and options, she’s comfortable going her own way, but sees no point in reinventing the wheel when it is not necessary. She teaches workshops locally and at regional festivals on a variety of topics and has contributed to various publications, including Alternatives HR (formerly Hampton Roads Pagan Resource Directory) website, the ADF Southeastern Region Newsletter, and Oak Leaves. She attended the State University of New York at Geneseo, where she earned BAs in English and History, played volleyball and billiards, was a member of Arethusa Sorority (Sigma Gamma Phi, Gamma chapter), and met her husband of 44 years and bass guitarist extraordinaire, Michael Kazalski, formerly of Coyote Run.